Friday, November 26, 2010

Put that down.

If you eat that, you will hate yourself. You will hate yourself for hours and hours and hours. Of course, you already hate yourself. But if you eat that, the hatred will be taken to a whole different level. Don't you want to be loved? Admired? Envied? Don't you want any one person to look at you think, 'I want to be that'? Prove that you are strong. Put that food down. It is disgusting. It is filthy. It is covered in slick mold that will pus and slime down your throat and into your stomach, where it will slowly rot you away from the inside out. Right now your insides are pure and pink and new. Do not ruin them with this grey sludge. Do not do this to yourself. Don't you want to be happy with yourself? To be able to look in a mirror and smile? That will never happen if you put that in your mouth, chew, swallow. So get rid of it now, before I lose my temper.


  1. Exactly how i felt this afternoon, check out my blog: please? Stay strong girlie!!! oh and i love your thinspo :)
