Monday, October 11, 2010


So today was going swimmingly, limited myself to 200 calories + dinner. But for dinner, my dad made homemade mac and cheese with tofu dogs chopped up inside (I'm a vegetarian). And for some reason, this stuff just tore apart my insides. About half an hour after eating it, I was on the bathroom floor, clenched up in a ball, trying to make the pain go away. It felt like my insides were in atrophy.
Finally, I just leaned over the toilet and purged it all up. It made me feel so much better. I know purging is really horrible for you, and gross, and doesn't actually get all the calories out, but I. hurt. so. bad. I just had to do it.
I really don't want to make it a habit though...
Been there, done that.

Total intake: 800ish
(Couldn't find an exact number for the mac and cheese, seeing as it was homemade. Decided to overestimate than underestimate, so put it at 600. A LOT, I know.)

I've decided to restrict my daily calorie intake to 800 maximum, 500 preferred. Hopefully it'll work for me.

Okay, that's all girlies. I love you!!
Stay strong,
xx Sofia Bee

1 comment:

  1. oh no!
    make sure to get PLENTY of water!
    try not to purge...
