Wednesday, October 27, 2010

So Very Sick

I am just so. sick. My immune system has been in the shit hole for the past few weeks, what with not sleeping and not eating. Blergh.
Well... what's the good thing about being sick? That's right! FASTING. Fasting with no awkward questions, pointed looks, or flat-out accusations. Woohoo.
And so today, I plan on eating a grand total of 0 calories.
Wish me luck!!
xx Sofia
p.s. Hello new followers! You guys are all da bomb :P

SKINNY LEGS. Oh how I wish I had skinny legs...


  1. Yay for skinny leg thinspo and being sick :D
    xoxo <3
    P.S, ...but for your sake, I hope you feel better soon :]

  2. I love the middle photo, that's what I would wear if I was skinny <3
